Author: chjones
Hand Studies
Skin, veins, bone, muscle, and fat all bounce and absorb light differently from one another. It’s good to study hands when you have a free moment!
I’m an Artist, not a Printer!
This was a rebound from hightail!
Making some decent clay pins #1
I think clay pins are the sweetest thing, even though they might be a bit outdated. I love how sweet they are, and I especially like how easy they are to make: in theory. Join me on my journey towards making some half-decent pins! Cheers! The First Pin: Salvatore! Salvatore was a darling homeless boy…
Cat Cookies
We got a new 3d Printer! This is massive because our previous ones were very slowly dying! We made the cutest little cutters for the sweetest little shortbread! 🙂
Where are the batteries?
Where are the batteries? It’s about time that we cracked out the Christmas ornaments, to discover that we left our little window star on since last christmas. Oops.